Sunday, October 4, 2009

Laugh, then cry, then laugh again.

Who here is so exhausted they can't see straight?  Anyone?  Anyone?

Try laughing:

Rated G:

Why does this not exist for teachers?

Rated PG:

Rated PG-13: [Is The F-word "PG?" I don't know and am too lazy to look it up...]

This is the funniest thing I've forever, and I can't even LOOK at the "Owl" posting because it makes me laugh so hard I thought I'd have to go to Patient First....

Rated R:

In brief, this site saved my life many times.

On Twitter: Please follow "TeensAreMorons."  I just discovered Twitter, oh, 7 1/2 minutes ago.  Turns out a good friend of mine, a teacher as well, has this tweet.  Actually, I think she changed it to: "Moronic Teens."
